The Ghana Evangelism Committee on Tuesday 19th March 2024 held a 1 day seminar for the Lower Manya Krobo Municipal Council of Churches. This is an initiative of the National Director as part of the strategic approach for the successful implementation of the vision 2027 of the GEC and also to train people on Reaching the Unreached People Groups Using the Wise Global Phone Application.
The meeting was chaired by the Chairman of the LMKMCC who doubles as the Secretary of Steering Committee of GEC, Rev Samuel B. Laweteh. In attendance were some executive members, ministers in the area, officers of the Church and others adding up to over 63 participants. Rev. Laweteh exhorted the participants of the urgency of the great commission and the intentional approach of the Church to reach the unreached. He encouraged them to fully participate in the conversation and make contributions when needed.
The National Director of the Ghana Evangelism Committee, Rev. Nyamedor briefed the participants of the works of the GEC for the past 49 years, established in 1974 and the quest to rebrand GEC to effectively play the catalyst role in the three core mandate of GEC which are Mission Research, Evangelism and Discipleship to the Churches in Ghana. He also present the analysis of 2021 census data and its implications for the Ghanaian Church. The objective was to analyse the census and provide information for the leaders of the churches to make Church-planting decisions, to help the church prioritise areas of greatest need and urgent to the Church’s mandate and also to set a clear direction for the Ghanaian church for the next ten years when another census is conducted.
As part of the package for the day, he also guided the participants on the use of the Wise Global Phone Application for reaching the Unreached People Groups. Participants were able to download and install the app and Registered to join a group created by the National Director. He also took participants through how to use GEC booklet called “There is a New Life for You”
On behalf of the Steering Committee Rev. Bright Nyamedor extended his gratitude to Rev Samuel B. Laweteh, the chairman of LMKMCC, All Heads of Churches in the area for their logistical support and warm reception.
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