On Monday 29th January 2024, the Ghana Evangelism Committee (GEC) in collaboration with the i2 Ministries USA organised a day all ministers, Christian organisations heads seminar at the Wesley Towers of the Methodist Church Ghana. The seminar was to train participants on the use of Wise Global Phone Application to reach the unreached people groups in Ghana and the world at large.
The National Director of the Ghana Evangelism Committee (GEC), Rev. Bright Nyamedor briefed the participants of the works of the GEC for the past 49 years, established in 1974 and the quest to rebrand GEC to effectively play the catalyst role in the three core mandate of GEC which are Mission Research, Evangelism and Discipleship to the Churches in Ghana.
He also outlined the state of evangelism in Ghana using the PEW Research Projection and analysis from the findings of the 2021 population and housing census report. He drew the attention of ministers of the urgency needed for the accomplishing of the great commission.
Dr. Joshua Lingel, the President and Founder of the i2 Ministries addressed the participants briefly and highlighted on how the ministry was birthed and the passion to reach the unreached people groups.
Mr. Ryan Corrigan, handled the practical session of the seminar by thoroughly engaging the participants on how to go about with the Wise Global Phone Application. He engaged the participants on how to join groups, create groups etc.
The whole vision is to see a global movement of people equipped to love and reach Muslims for Jesus Christ.
#GhanaEvangelismCommittee | #GhanaMustGo | #TheGreatCommission |i2Ministries